Marble Evolution

Demo Page


Marble Evolution Human mode


Try #:
Current best:
Iteration #:
Avg. distance last iteration:
Best distance last iteration:
Best distance overall:


A number between 0 and 1000.

A number between 0 and 100 (up to 4 decimal places).

A number between 0 and 100 (up to 4 decimal places).

A number between 0 and 100 (up to 4 decimal places).

A number between 0 and 100 (up to 4 decimal places).

A number between 0 and 100 (up to 4 decimal places).

A number between -100 and 100 (up to 4 decimal places).

A number between -100 and 100 (up to 4 decimal places).

A number between -3.14 and 3.14 (up to 4 decimal places).

A number between -3.14 and 3.14 (up to 4 decimal places).

Verbose console Disabled


How to play

Human mode

Once the game has launched left-click somewhere in the game-frame to adjust the direction and the power with which the marble should launch. The coloured line shows you the approximate direction and the text in the lower right corner tells you with which power the marble launches. The higher the power, the faster the marble moves. By releasing the mouse, the marble launches.
The text below or next to the game-frame shows you some basic information about the distance to the goal and the best distance reached so far.


Once the game has launched a left-click inside the game-frame starts the simulation.

Changing some properties of the simulation

By adjusting the values in the configuration section you can influence how the marbles evolve over time.
Once you entered all values click the button to reload the game and apply the configuration.

What is this all about?

Last semester I took an introduction course on artificial intelligence. With all that, mostly theoretical, knowledge in my mind I decided to try out some new stuff and combined it with my passion for web development. The result of this little project is this (pre-)version of the game Marble Evolution.

Why is this public?

Honestly I don't know and maybe I will tear down the page in some months. But I wanted to share some open source code with the world and found it funny that I have something to fiddle with during the lectures in the upcoming semesters.

MIT Licenceā€¦ What does this mean?

The MIT Licence gave me the possibility to share my code without any guarantee of reliability, correctness and completeness while leaving the possibility that anyone can take parts of the code or the project as a whole and integrate it in a new project.
Furthermore anyone can alter or extend the code if they found a bug or want to add a new level.
Take a look at the MIT licence.

I want to know more about this project and artificial intelligence in general!

If you want to know more about the project checkout the GitHub Page and the documentation.
If you want to know more about artificial intelligence or genetic algorithms I can recommend the book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Norvig by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig.

Some legal stuff

This demo webpage does not require or store any cookies.
Furthermore no personal data will be collected, stored and/or processed.
The project including this demo-page is stored on/hosted by GitHub Page and GitHub Pages. The Github Global Privacy Practices are availableĀ here.